QuakeFinder wins NASA 3 year research grant
In February, NASA announced the award of a 3 year collaborative research agreement with QuakeFinder. We were awarded this grant based on our proposal to NASA’s Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES-2010) Earth Surface and Interior focus area. This funding will augment the existing financial support from Stellar Solutions and the Musk Foundation to continue QuakeFinder’s work in collecting and analyzing data from ground instruments in California and international locations. The NASA partnership will also add infra red (IR) monitoring of earthquake fault areas, using the GOES weather satellites, built by NASA and operated by NOAA. We will fuse this IR data with our ground magnetometer and air conductivity data to increase the likelihood of detecting pre-earthquake signals. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, by providing financial support for the development of short term warnings for large earthquakes, please contact Tom Bleier.