QuakeFinder Blog

Who do you tell if you have generated an earthquake forecast?

In the history of QuakeFinder we have used historical sensor data in our analysis of predicting earthquakes. QuakeFinder is making significant progress towards the goal of forecasting earthquakes using each day’s new data.

To be in a position to make a forecast for a specific time, location and magnitude we would need to see a two week pattern of all of the following:

• a 2-4 day pattern of increased unipolar pulses

• 1 day pattern of increased positive air conductivity

• an increased GOES satellite Infrared signal over the same ground site

In addition all the data would need to be reviewed and vetted. Who do we provide such a forecast to and how would it be tested and validated? USGS has the congressional mandate to issue all earthquake forecasts in the United States. While that might sound simple, with the present system it is complicated. USGS won’t issue a forecast until the California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council (CEPEC) reviews it.

The Collaboratory for Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP), which is operated by the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC), held a conference in May aimed at coordinating the external testing of earthquake forecasts, regardless if they were generated from seismic event patterns modeling or electromagnetic monitoring methods. QuakeFinder participated in and presented at this conference. Presently CSEP only reviews forecasts that run on CSEP computers and use seismicity data.

The SCEC has undertaken a project, funded by the Department of Homeland Security, to develop a facility for registering and testing external forecasting and prediction (EFP) procedures; i.e., those run outside the existing CSEP. This facility will allow investigators to document their methods and submit forecasts and predictions for retrospective and prospective testing in accordance with collaboratory standards.

Coordination of testing is an important, and necessary, first step in the process of vetting future earthquake forecasts as we work towards government and emergency responder community acceptance of forecasts. When you consider the potential consequences of actually making a forecast, it is a necessary step. There are several groups, including QuakeFinder, going through the registration and testing process.

ExtremeTech article on QuakeFinder

There was a recent article in “ExtremeTech” about QuakeFinder where they captured the essence of what QuakeFinder is all about.  If you are just starting to learn about QuakeFinder, this is a must read! Check out Quakefinder article at ExtremeTech.com

March 11, 2013 Anza, California Quake M 4.7

We are working towards forecasting earthquakes based on magnetic pulse patterns and air conductivity changes similar to those patterns observed prior to previous earthquakes. The only recent earthquake near one of our sites was Anza in southern California. Even though we thought the magnitude would be too small to detect, we did see some similar patterns. The Anza quake was a M 4.7 on Tuesday, March 11th at 08:55:42 PDT located approximately 13.4 miles S.E. from our Anza site (869).

Our hypothesis, based on experience, is that we should see some indications if the quake is greater than M5 and located within a 10 mile radius. Therefore, we see this as a marginal quake.

The site equipment was healthy, so we looked at our Exp5, Exp7, and qf1 algorithms where each algorithm has slightly different amplitude threshold and pulse finding characteristic.

The 32 day plot of Exp5 appeared to show the best indication, see below:

32 day plot of Exp5

The quake is the diamond in the upper right, and the most sustained signal (2 days) starts at -16 to -15 days prior to the quake. Each tick mark on the X-axis is one day in this 32 day plot. If the quake had 4-5 days of sustained activity, it is considered to be a more reliable indicator (and usually occurs prior to a larger quake).

The signals were analyzed over several weeks, and several unipolar pulses were found. As an example, the 3 taller pulses in the plot below, are mostly positive in direction (“unipolar”).

3 Tall Pulses, in mostly positive direction (“unipolar”)

There were also several very long pulses in the data during February 23. The Kp worldwide magnetic index was very quiet during the same time. None of the sites near Anza saw the same long pulses (indicating that they were not from world-wide, solar-magnetospheric disturbances) therefore, the source of the long pulses may be associated with the area near the earthquake (tbd).

The air conductivity sensor is examined for the 48 hours prior to the quake. No positive ions activity showed for 30 days prior to the quake, and the sensor appeared to be working (as shown by the hourly calibration signal in the data). We would expect to see some positive ions within 48 hours of the quake if the site is close to the epicenter. The negative ion detector can be “fooled by rain”. There was no rain during March 10 and 11 (but there was some on Mar 09), so the relative humidity (a contaminant) is good for March 10-11. Neither the positive or negative ion sensors showed signals those days. However, there is activity on the negative ions for Mar 09, but that is due to evaporating water on the ground from rain on that day. Why wasn’t there a positive indication within 48 hours of the quake (as seen on previous quakes)? The prevailing winds are from the west, so if the ions were generated at the epicenter, they would not drift against the oncoming wind to the Anza ion sensors. Borrego Springs is the next site to the southeast in the wind path, unfortunately it was off line. We have sent a technician to the Borrego site and are trying to determine if the site was recording data and had simply lost cell phone communication.

Summary: This is a marginal quake (size and distance from the epicenter) but there is a small pulse count indication observed at -15 to -16 days with smaller rise in counts at -1 and -9 days. It was difficult to pick this out from the normal patterns, but the longer (20-40 sec.) pulses may provide some insight into the quake generation process.

What does it take to make progress?

As I listen to the news regarding government gridlock over sequestration and recent USGS warnings about the number of deaths expected from earthquakes in the coming century, I am struck with the realization of how difficult it is to make progress, even in light of dire warnings about the consequences.

In the case of our national budget, it is extremely difficult to obtain consensus on what to do and how to fix it.  Yet everyone agrees that we need to make hard decisions regarding government spending. However, no one seems to want to take the first step and do something.

In the case of earthquakes, many agree that earthquakes will cause a large loss in life in the 21st century. What we don’t agree on is whether earthquakes could eventually be forecasted. Some say that it is, and will always be, impossible to predict earthquakes. How does society move from “Impossible” to “Plausible”, and finally to “Operational” earthquake forecasting?

Governments are notoriously slow in changing the “Status Quo”, or in trying something radically different. QuakeFinder represents a different model which was born from a strong curiosity and desire to try a new approach.

Can the complex environmental monitoring techniques that QuakeFinder developed be used to attack earthquake forecasting in a different way? A possible link to the discovery of a new charged particle (p-hole charge carrier) could explain many of the electromagnetic observations.  If magnetic field changes, air conductivity changes, Infra-red observations, and earthquake lights are signals then the goal is to develop instruments and networks to detect, record, observe, and exploit these signals. Incubation of this idea and the imperative to make progress requires money, in this case, money to build the instruments and networks to monitor the electromagnetic signals.

QuakeFinder operates as a humanitarian research project of Stellar Solutions, Inc., a global aerospace engineering firm.   Companies like the Musk Foundation, PG&E, Earth Networks, Telefonica, and Vodafone have supported QuakeFinder to make progress on earthquake forecasting. The government, via NASA Earth Science, has also contributed to the support of the research phase.  In addition, more than one hundred private homeowners have contributed by allowing QuakeFinder to install and operate instruments on their property. This collaboration represents actual progress.  We are excited about the progress our research is making and push forward, pioneering to the goal of an operational phase of earthquake forecasting.
