Quakefinder Blog

QuakeFinder 4th Quarter Newsletter

History of Hurricane Forecasting, Part 2.

This newsletter is a continuation of our series of studies into the history of weather and natural disaster forecasting. The intent of these studies is to understand the pioneering efforts of those who brought us these capabilities, the often-messy process of discovery, the societal reaction and impacts of forecasting, the resistance of establishment naysayers, and all the setbacks and triumphs along the way. QuakeFinder seeks to enable an earthquake forecasting system and gathering these lessons-learned from history will help guide us on our quest. The following article is a continuation of our earlier look into the history of hurricane forecasting.

In Part 1 of this study, we discussed the history of hurricane forecasting from Columbus’ near-death experience during his fourth trip to the Caribbean, through the end of WWII where forecasting research and operations received greater attention to protect the U.S. Naval fleet.

Post WWII, forecasting methods and coordination between various military and civilian weather agencies improved. After a deadly hurricane season in 1954, Congress and the Eisenhower Administration approved the establishment of the National Hurricane Research Project (NHRP) – an effort with dedicated funding for research centers, reconnaissance aircraft, observatories, weather balloons, data collection and analysis…

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